x50 posts: Department of Cooperative Governance is recruiting Community Development Workers
Job Summary
KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is recruiting for Community Development Workers x50 posts.
Closing Date: 12 April 2024
SALARY: R 241 485-LEVEL 6
The Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is committed to empowering people with disability.
- The ideal candidate must be in possession of a minimum Grade 12,
- A qualification in Community Development Work will be an added advantage,
- Experience in Community Development Work, including but not limited to volunteering in community development projects and practices.
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
The successful candidate must have: –
- ● Basic knowledge of government processes
- ● Knowledge of Community Development and Municipal Structures
- ● Good interpersonal skills and must be sensitive towards the communities where they will be rendering services
- ● Report writing skills
- ● Good communication skills (verbal and written)
- ● The ability to act tactfully and with discretion
- ● Computer Literacy.
Key Responsibilities
The successful candidates will be required to liaise, co-ordinate, mobilise, inform and assist communities with access to services provided by Government and to assist communities to identify and communicate their needs to Government at National, Provincial and Local Government level to bring government closer to the people with the following key responsibilities:-
- ● Inform and assist communities with access to the services provided by government structures
- ● Determine the needs of communities and communicate these needs to the relevant government structures
- ● Promote networks and enhance the activities of existing local governance structures and other stakeholders (CBW, NGO’s, etc) aimed at improved service delivery
- ● Compile reports and documents as required, on progress, issues attended to, actions taken and outcomes
- ● Keep records of all services rendered by government and the processes and mechanisms to access those services.
How to Apply
ENQUIRIES: Ms B Hlela TELEPHONE: 033 355 6348
APPLICATIONS TO BE POSTED TO: The Chief Director, Human Resource Management & Development,
Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or
HAND DELIVERED TO: The Chief Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor, South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street,
Pietermaritzburg for the attention of Ms NB Mabaso-Macaringwe.
Closing date: 12 April 2024 (Applications who applied previously must re-apply if they wish their applications to be considered, application received after this date will not be accepted.
Applications must be submitted on the new Application for Employment Form (Z83) available from any Public Service Department and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV.
The Department discourages applications sent by registered mail and will not be held responsible for applications sent via registered mail which are not collected from the post office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application reaches the Department timeously.
Failure to comply with any instruction will disqualify applicants. Applications can also submit their Z83 and CV directly to the following email address [kznjobs@kzncogta.gov.za]
Appointment is subject to a positive outcome obtained from State Security on the following checks (Security Clearance, Citizenship, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment).
Faxed or late applications will not be accepted. Should applicants not receive any response from the Department within three months of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.